I really love when a small team makes something unique. It's clear that the people behind this game had both a lot of fun making it, and cared a ton about what they were making. While the game is worth playing just for the soundtrack alone (I could write a whole article about how awesome this soundtrack "team" is, and their story as a group), the people who compare the world and characters to something like Psychonauts are right on. I feel like each of the chapters of the story are their own little episode of some anime, and the cast never feels like they're trying too hard to fit a trope or role. The writing is simple, but fun, and makes the world feel well realized. It might be odd to say that the gameplay is both the weakest link, but also the least important; but it's true. It is more than good enough to serve the rest of the package, and is fun in it's own right, but the game could have been made as episodic long form music videos and been just as good. Highly recommended to the same folks who loved Undertale, Freedom Planet, Spark, and other style heavy indie games that punch above their weight.