- I would have loved to see them start more missions rather than fall into them:
I feel the intro to how they met was a bit messy and discombobulated and I couldn’t see them as a team or with a deep relationship. Take Dick Grayson and Starfire... they just met, fought a little, showed each other their powers then…had a one-night stand? THIS... I believe this is a factor that only weakened my belief that they have a strong relationship. It was hard to see and act like he cares OR that he cares as... it seemed a bit random. It's like they slept together solely to check off a box based more on impulse. Their relationships simplified from the comics into “Well…they’re supposed to get together so why not now”. Like THAT type of reasoning.
Which lead me to my next point.
Weak Relationships
This was a big flag for me as I felt Directors could have put more emphasis on character development by SLOWLY showing how Robin feels and copes when a stranger but friend a.k.a. Starfire is in danger. I think this technique could have been used to further push these characters together without the audience feeling it’s unrealistic…
AND it would be nice to see how Beat boy balances Raven off or challenges her… I mean I see that she struggles to use her powers, but I wish there would be more emphasis on how she is putting in the effort to develop and not panicking all the more to Robin when chaos occurs. I like the introverted Raven. She was not required to go that deep and talk about everything, yet she is the deep character throughout every plot and she does not speak that much but when she does it’s profound… I m want THAT RAVEN. I like the teen-emo Raven but I miss comic book Raven and I feel they can do both. I mean with that Raven when Beastboy pushed her out of her comfort zone, it was MORE of a push and he as a result felt less serious more fun, and he was more compassionate or sensitive to outsiders while I felt with this… instead of letting them naturally come together it’s a bit forced or at least it feels that way…and I feel that she had more with a character arc than one can try to implement here… SHE liked Beastboy even more even when he didn’t realize that by being goofy obnoxious chill and loving that it was helping her. And THAT’S what I want to see…Raven is SO serious but I hope they don’t take that away from her by making her edgier because I believe it will reduce character development and references to the norm in the comics. She was much more sheltered but with Beast boy, I think OVER a period of heartache pain sadness and dumb founded-hope HE was helping and worked all of that out of her with the help of Nightwing. Hence she was grateful and realized how much Raven needed Beast boy.