Never have I seen a show ruin the continuity of its universe so quickly. I suppose nothing matters anymore, what would've happened if Thor DID strike Thanos in the head? The TVA comes in and melts him, and then keeps resetting the timeline until he strikes the chest. There are no longer any stakes, any choices, any investment. Thanos? People making heart-rending choices to stop him? Our favorite heroes dying? Doesn't matter, it was all a predetermined part of the plan and doing ANYTHING else would result in their death/reset. The level of this goes down to being late to work, and the TVA have already clearly been established as the villains of the story within the very first episode.
Outside of this absolutely horrendous writing that the fans apparently see no problems with (4.8/5...) never have I seen a show destroy its canon, logic, and continuity so horribly and then play it off for a cheap laugh. Never have I seen fans so willingly nod their heads along with it, this is just sad. Without taking into account that some idiot had to write this and somehow not notice it destroys the previous films