Upon its initial release in 2008, I had a feeling of being let down by what could’ve been a great movie. The eco-politics and ethnocentric implications caused a severe eye roll, but watching it twelve years later, seeing as how we are facing a more heightened global crisis both ecologically and politically, it seems to have more of an impact. Are the special effects hokey? Yes. Everyone knows that a Huey chopper can’t take off that fast (maybe?), or the lightening is a little over the top to cover up the bad green screen effects for sure, but this was never an Oscar contender nor should it be considered as one. But it is interesting to see how the message of the movie (at the precipice we must change) is so relevant today. Keanu Reeves is excellent as an alien block of wood and Jennifer Connolly acts the hell out of her part like a champ. RIP Jon Hamm’s “Mike”. Anyway, I’m rambling.
Overall, super interesting to come back and watch this over a decade later and feel the impact now. Enjoyed it.