This show was a bright spot during the height of Covid in April and May. It is such a beautiful, positive and lovely show. It is well written and casted. The music is great. There is a pure genuine chemistry between the cast and it is clear on-screen. The show exemplifies romantic-comedy. It’s funny, smart and sexy. It was great seeing an Latino cast portray a Latino family in a positive way. The Garcia family is my family and your family. ABC did a HUGE disservice by canceling the show. It’s too bad. That’s why they trail the other networks CBS and NBC in serials. They have too many game shows and reality television shows. Get rid of that darn “bachelor series”. The Baker and the Beauty was a perfect way to reestablish a footing in serial dramas but yet again ABC dropped the ball. A must see you will not be disappointed. The only disappointment is ABC canceling the show. Also, check out the Israeli version.