Entertaining if ridiculous and veering off into too many subplots. Weird to have characters so clearly based on the gypsy Rose case for no reason, but I enjoyed seeing them again in a less serious light, I guess. Also the fact that in the last few episodes it turns out they are in a public school is absurd. It's clearly supposed to be a private school in most of the episodes, but then the plots wont work in the last few unless it's public, or at least the writers weren't creative enough to find any other way around it. And look, I lived in a wealthy town with a great public high school which most rich kids attended (and went on to ivy league schools), but they weren't as crazy rich as the people in the shows with like butlers and stuff... Maybe just housekeepers that came a few times a week, probably not even chefs. Those kinds of people do not go to public school. In my town, the wealthy people at that level would go to private schools in Boston or boarding school - bc high for boys and miss whatever's school for girls. and also no public school is that ornately decorated.