Personally I would wait a few seasons before I can develop a real opinion for a show but I just don’t see this show getting any better. I am almost on to season 3 and so far it is pretty bad. The grandfather, father and Adam are all pretty good characters but the mom, Barry and Erica are just god awful. The good characters are the only reason I contuine to watch it. If you like modern comedy and yelling. It’s a family show but I definitely wouldn’t call it wholesome. A LOT OF YELLING. If you grew up with siblings you may find it kinda funny.
The mom is clearly the main character and everyone else is secondary, meanwhile it’s about a boys video tapes he has about his whole family they don’t have to do
with just her and the whole episode is about her feelings it’s horrible. She gets involved with everything and it’s incredibly annoying. The father is funny but he does yell a little too much. He was in a few other things also yelling so maybe that’s just his thing. Barry is so annoying and he just has a face that you crave to punch. All he does is yell and he is so unrealistic stupid. The sister is just so useless. It could have just been a family of 4 and I found out that he didn’t even have a sister named Erica in real life so that makes it worse.
Lastly, it doesn’t even feel like the show takes place in the 80s. Sometimes they say something about a movie or maybe a game that came out in the 80s but it is not 80s authentic. They even start the show but saying “It’s 1980 something” like you couldn’t even give it an actual year? That would have made it just a little bit better to make it feel a little more real. If you just turned the show on for someone who has never heard of you they probably would just think it’s another modern “sitcom”.
I just finished binge watching The Wonder Years, a show in the 90s that takes place in the 70s and 80s. Now thats a show. They should have at least made it look like it was filmed in the 80s or just a little worse quality. I don’t know just seems like a bad show trying so hard to be relatable.
I will of course finish the whole show because my boyfriend does enjoy it. We are both watching it now and he’s on his phone and i’m writing this bad review. Doesn’t look like it’s too entertaining. Hopefully the next 3 seasons are better but I will not be watching the spin off “Schooled”