The Last of us is my absolute favorite game. So waiting 7 years for a sequel, I did have high expectations. But dear god. They just threw all potential away. The entire way the game is laid out is terrible. Playing a flashback within a flash back and moving back and forth from Abby to Ellie. It felt incredibly forced for us to try to “empathize “ with Abby when she murdered someone we care about deeply in an extremely brutal way in the BEGINNING. I am a very empathetic person and felt nothing but anger any time I played as Abby which seemed like most of the game. I actually genuinely did not enjoy playing this game. There were so many times when I thought they MAY be able to save the entire game if they did something with the story a certain way and NOPE.
I do have to say —- I loved the gameplay! Everything else I hated and I will never play it again.