Movie made 0 sense, creatures are supposed to be blind but yet they find their way up and downstairs and hold onto railings, pictures breaking attract the creatures but falling downstairs doesn't, while a door creaking across a field attracts the monsters while its next to water falling from the ceiling! As well as these monsters somehow took over the world when a shotgun and a hearing aid can kill one! Movie has many plot holes that completely ruined the entire thing! I've seen movies with a budget of $80 that are better then this and i'm not exaggerating look up "Who Killed Captain Alex" by Wakaliwood Films! "A Quiet Place" is a poor excuse for a movie and is the epitome of a child's role play, all-action 0 logic! All in all this movie pissed me off because of the lack of sense in it! The scene that made the least sense was the deaf girl woke up to fireworks