The Ghost Box is ridiculous - Wiedman and Groff used this on the other show for the first time and now she is using it on this show as well - damn obvious that the voices are coming from one of the crew members! How dumb do you think we are?? Also, ala Ex-Shyster Ghost Hunters, Grant Wilson, the knocks ( remember the episode with the "Shave and a haircut knocking nonsense? ) - Stop copying this nonsensical knocking idiocy! Remember - if even one thing discredits the show, all of the shows are discredited. This is what happened with Amy and Adam - their use of a tape recorder discredited their show - when you listen to the message on the recorder, the spacing of the words are different than the original message that they did! Try it - count the seconds between the words and you will see a major discrepancy almost every time! And TAPS, also discredited their shows with things that they did that were obviously bogus! Naughty, naughty! And the Mediums? They can research a lot of things ahead of time and you can bet they do. Amazing how they guess at things that, as a Medium, they should know! Shysters too? Yes!