If Battlefield Earth and Starship Troopers 2 had a baby, then that baby was given 6 doses of the first round of an experimental COVID-19 vaccination then half a bottle of whiskey and THEN asked to write a script, you'd get close to the utter rubbish of Rainfall. You know it's a cracking movie when people are leaving towards the end.
Normally I seek to find the positive in any movie and for this one I looked and looked and finally... found a positive. This movie is consistent. The consistency lays in it's ability to start poorly and not improve for the entire 2 hours, in fact in maintains a consistent downward trajectory of confusing timelines, overblown action sequences and try hard stereotypes.
A confusing and oversupplied assortment of Alpha type males struggling to overcome their respective demons merely adds time to this painfully long saga. The addition of "the funny asian guy" from The Hangover is an obvious effort to introduce some comic relief and to be fair, even as a supporting actor he's probably the high point of many scenes.
Wardrobe and set design just looks like the producer snapped up half a dozen vehicles from Frontline Auctions and threw in some old land rovers and UniMogs for a bit of 'realism' then cleaned out a couple of military disposal stores of old uniforms. It created an infuriating hodge-podge of bits and pieces that they've tried to slam together to paint this semi post apocalyptic environment. Add to that dramatic over acting and excessive action sequences that don't make any sense and you're starting to get the D grade picture of this slop.
I also never did understand how a couple of guys on "horses" can get from Sydney to Alice Springs in 72 hours (after spending a long leisurely night in what appeared to be the high country) then back again in even less time... movie magic I guess.
As we wind to the end of the movie and find ourselves on the alien mother ship in orbit it closes with "Chapter 1" I was left with the crushing realisation that they've either made or are going to make a chapter 2 of this tripe. I honestly felt like asking for my money back after this movie... Still, for the sake of completion if one day Chapter 2 finds its way to Netflix and I've got literally NOTHING else to do (so house clean, I've had 8 hours sleep, kids don't need dinner cooked, tiles in the bathroom are re-grouted)... then maybe I'd watch it. If I'd seen everything else on Netflix at least twice.
Save your money and time, give this one a wide berth.