Visually gorgeous design and life like movement throughout. However, the AI could've benefited from some more attention, for sure.
Although the story had its downsides it wasn't all bad. Focusing on the consequences of everyone's choices, the game shows every character's drastic development in a realistic way. If you're willing to invest in the deeper lessons of the story its not that terrible. Not every story or person has a happy ending, but thats what makes this story more believable. I agree there were plenty of other routes this story could've followed that would've met the fans' wants better.
As far as replay quality...0%. I would play the first one over and over but don't feel the need to touch this one again. Its a very final finish and playing as Abby i found myself trying to get her killed half the time. That aspect has no enjoyment.
Wouldve made a better movie than a game.