It was fine, but they left important stuff from the book out of the movie. [SPOILERS] For example, the fair was during Halloween, not spring. They forgot Thanksgiving, which is when John gets his telekinesis. And they thing that bothers me most besides Six being blonde I stead of black-haired, is that Henri was supposed to die during the attack at the school, not when John saves him from the They Walk Among Us dudes. They also forgot that Mark’s house was supposed to go up in flames, the training with Henri, and he doesn’t get recorded when Three dies. The girl’s name was Tara, not Nicole, and Sam’s last name is Goode, not Spellman. And they never open the Chest! Other than that, it was alright, and to the people who think Six has fire immunity, she doesn’t. She can’t get hurt because Five isn’t dead, so that’s why the fire didn’t hurt her. :) and she didn’t break the charm when she found John.