Having watched the entire season, I'll say it didn't FEEL like Tolkien and was way too UNDER-produced in critical areas, as well as extremely OVER-produced in other areas. Too much unnecessary exposition. PLENTY of bad dialogue. Some good dialogue too though, not much. The season's entire plot (the actual plot) should've taken place in the first 2 episodes and then the last 6 episodes should've been Gandalf and Nori's adventure and Sauron's final descent into darkness. The show didn't make efficient use of its time. It is slow, boring, and badly paced. I liked that they made Sauron very three-dimensional and especially the fact that Galadriel was his last chance to cling to the light and she denied him that. They should've done more with this and made the potential love interest between Sauron and Galadriel more compelling so that we actually felt betrayed when he reveals himself to her and even MORE betrayed when we realize that Galadriel's decision is what forces Sauron to abandon the light for the final time. The ENTIRE Elendil/Isildur/Earien storylines should've been cut. Tar Palantir, Miriel, and Pharazon should've have remained bit parts, as they didn't effectively contribute to the ACTUAL plot. The Elrond/Durin storyline was probably the most compelling in the entire show but the need for it felt forced, as the entire Mithril/corruption/plague idea isn't compelling and seems affected or concocted. Overall, this show got about 20% right and 80% wrong. So, I'm giving it 1 star out of 5.