The Communist Manifesto is my favorite piece of literature, second only to the National Anthem of the USSR itself. The plot is not only enticing, but more importantly, it's really relatable. When Karl said "заставить замолчать протестующих, убить их при необходимости," I felt that. My heart also wept when Karl said "это бесплатная недвижимость." Karl Marx has not only outlined the ideal society in this timeless work, but has also encouraged young humanitarians such as Cidel Fastro, Cugo Havez, and Zao Medong to share his work on a wide scale. This book just makes me realize how much the C*pitalist society (we live in one) of A*erica feeds the greedy cooperate pigs, whilst abandoning the lower class. I really hope I live to see the day where Mr. Marx's society can be tested. Furthermore, after reading this book I have developed a strong craving for potatoes, but can't seem to find any. Farewell comrades, and remember, Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!