the game is hard but that's, not my problem. My problem is when it doesn't give you a clue about what you are supposed to do. (Which doesn't happen often but when it does it Is a big problem) My problem isn't even the stupid bosses which need consumables to even have a fair chance. My problem is when the game sacrifices its playability in order to try and be harder. All consumables are one use except your healing. So when you use super rare stuff you want it to count. There are several 3 stage boss fights that DO NOT TELL YOU THEY ARE 3 STAGES. So when you get to them you better not steroid up because you are only going to be wasting them when you die. YOU WILL DIE A LOT. Dying a lot isn't even a problem, I get it it's supposed to be hard but they actively punish you for it. The combat while fun is just a glorified button masher. I've enjoyed parts of it but it's not the masterpiece people pretend. It's just a good game