mafia 2 is probably one of if not the best video games of the entire history of gaming, truly a masterpiece. were do i even begin? the story was amazing and i was super immersed into the story and the characters were just amazing! the ending was a real tear jerker and everything before that was the same or hilarious and just fun! the graphics were ahead of its time and really do hold up to this day! i think the only thing wrong with the game is the gameplay , which is fun and can be really interesting at the times, but i and quite a few people believe that it's really out dated, drivings fun but the shooty-shooty moments are really clunky at times, but then again this game is ten years old and it's only natural for a game to get clunky overtime as we play other games. overall i give this game 10/10 both story and graphics but the gameplay is a little clunky and at times can get a little tedious but that never caused me to turn off the game because the gameplay was boring because a few seconds later either Joe or Eddie will say something that will keep me interested for a while. This game is worth every penny and i recommend it to anyone that loves games that amazing stories but probably not for people that just want to run-and-gun the whole time.
have a good day!