I've been a fan of AC since the first game with Altair. It's gameplay really made you feel part of the world ubisoft had created and the story, while a little loose in areas, kept you hooked right up till the end.
Since then i have loved the games through their many evolutions and improvements.
Seen great worlds created with history at its helm.
Seen the wonder of the Caribbean and pirate age.
Traversed the rooftops and seen the great structures of Italy.
Fought alongside great American patriots as they battled for freedom.
And of course, marveled at the great pyramids of Egypt.
Through all of that, right up to Valhalla.
The story was always the central focus.
The evolution of the main character and his comrades.
From watching beloved characters fall in battle.
I think we all remember
"in a world without gold, we could have been heroes!".
To betrayal of the worst kind.
Then comes Assassin's Creed Mirage.
Yes, in many ways a return to form for a franchise that has changed so much over the years.
The graphics are good. Not amazing but still just as good as Origins.
The parkour has been dialed back a little and with a little control tweaking, really flows well with the more stealth heavy gameplay compared to more recent entries.
Speaking of stealth. I'm proud to see it return and be relevant in mirage.
But that's where it ends for me.
I am frequently wracking my brain trying to remember the main characters name.
He is completely forgettable. Has the personality and emotional range of a plank of wood.
The story is bland, lifeless and has no impact at all.
Just a point and shoot storyline. "Go here, kill that guy" why? Because he's part of the order. What did he do? No idea.
Yes, you do find out why these people deserve their fate. But it has no impact at all.
The story would fill a single piece of paper.
There's no punch, no feeling or emotional weight to anything you do.
Is it a good game? Yes.
But will you remember it? No.
That's why I gave it 3 stars.