Those who rate this movie low… are probably pedestrian in their own lives. How could anyone hate this flick?
What I liked about this movie was the “space janitor” Center character!
Loved his perspective.
I also enjoyed the impactful points of view in the smaller stories within the bigger picture that the space janitor observed from afar.
The janitor’s initial anger in his situation was misplaced on the “creator” …God. His blame for his circumstances was not himself in the beginning of his undeniable acknowledgment of his impending death. As he floats further away from the only source of opportunity to continue his existence, he goes through stages of anger & blame. And while he starts to accept how he found himself in his situation, he watches earth and it’s inhabitants meet their destiny of death. He becomes the outlying observer who witnesses everything he could have cared about and should have cared about… disappear from existence. He starts to acknowledge his own lost opportunity to know his only child… a part of himself… his legacy. He flows through his regrets and makes a last attempt to explain his poor choices in his sad apologetic recordings to his young daughter who he has never known personally. He does this futile act while watching a deadly solar flare make its way to earth like a Death Star laser beam exacting its energy with focused intention to place the final nail in earth’s coffin. He will be the last human in existence and have a front row seat 💺 to earth’s final exhale with every creature on it’s surface and beneath it’s surface. The earth & its inhabitants will have a more humane finality with swiftness and speed compared to the lone space janitor. He will enjoy a little more time of regret and deep hell.
This movie was everything I could ever want in a thoughtful play.