To FOX leadership: My husband and I have watched Neal's program for some time, but tonight we were both shocked to witness his abrupt interruption of Kayleigh, McEnany's press briefing with the explanation, "Sorry but in all good conscience I had to cut her off because she is saying some (untrue, harsh, strong, etc) words indicating fraud in the Democratic party's handling of ballots. We can show this at a later time when she can prove to me there are facts behind her statements". What we would like to know is, why does Kayleigh have to prove anything to Neal? Is he not a news "commentator/ broadcaster"? Or is he a judge who wants every fact behind news before he allows it? Even from the White House? Even if Kayleigh was wrong in her statements, why does Neal get to decide who gets heard in America? Maybe FOX ownership should make sure that "we the people" can decide for ourselves about the news like we've always done? Thank you for listening. That's how we learn, isn't it Neal?