I think they made a huge leap into fantasy land with this movie. John evidently took the red pill in this movie and ended up somewhere between JW2 and Zion. I’m not sure why they went this way when the other movies were successful. Although the violence was always over the top, the other movies seemed much more reality based. This movie went full graphic novel. I didn’t like it for that reason and it almost makes it impossible to watch these as a trilogy. The other movies were obviously popular so why would they make this weird film noir leap. It’s over acted, over stylized, and over actionized. It’s like Reeves wanted to make another Matrix movie. Maybe that’s why he asked Laurence Fishburne to be in it. The fight scenes one after another just become comical at some point. It’s like how many different ways can I see somebody stabbed. If they make a JW4 can they get back to the style of the original 2 and make this some weird dream the John had and now he’s awaken from?