Literally one of the worst most inconsistent games I have ever played. No options to increase time for events such as football. Not even a tournament mode to play multiple minigames in a competition like in other games. Hurdles you can just pick a character that's fast and put the controller down after the start. Just knock the hurdles over and still make first. That's inexcusable on any difficulty of the game but here we are. Not to mention story mode is the worst garbage I've ever endured. Endless text dialogue for maybe a few minutes of a minigame and then back to endless text dialogue. The roster is an absolute joke, for two franchises with access to so many characters this was the biggest atrocity to me. If you are gonna only have maybe 3 (being generous) fun mini games that aren't just mash the "a" button repeatedly, then maybe give us a bigger roster so it isn't just the same boring slog with the same short roster over and over. Dont even get me started on needing to play a game mode multiple times to unlock new instructions on that mini-game. Yep that's right if you dont know how to play a mini game, then too damn bad just play and hope you get better instructions after it's over. Btw 5 times to unlock all instructions and tips per game mode.