Well. This was definitely....a movie. Basic shark movie plot, people getting attacked by sharks. Since it's a shark movie, you don't expect much plot other than "survive the shark" but that's forgiveable as long as the movie has other qualities to redeem it. Like characters! None of the characters were memorable in the slightest. Nicole was a jerk and that's the only thing that stood out to me. So, that couldn't save the movie, what about action sequences? It's a bunch of underwater flailing and screaming about the shark. Not much diversity and not much to enjoy. 2 down, let's try special effects! Oh my word, the sharks looked SO FAKE! Obviously they were and CGI can't be perfect, sometimes you gotta suspend your disbelief. And sometimes the effects are so bad that suspending your disbelief is next to impossible.
There are few movies that I've seen that arent just bad, they're boring. This is one of those movies. With bad movies, at least I get a good chuckle at it being bad. With this, I just wish I could get the time that I wasted back. Wouldn't recommend