Campaign and zombies is excellent and very enjoyable, multiplayer is a complete failure and needs a massive re-work.
Zombies mode on this game is very good, very enjoyable and a different but better spin off . When playing with friends trying to do easter eggs and going to the highest round possible is super fun. The campaign is amazing, the visuals and the writing is very well done. The missions are engaging and fun to play. However multiplayer is like stale bread, the guns hardly work and when you want to shoot someone from more than 10 metres away with a shotgun or smg (that isn’t the MP5) hardly does any damage to them. Everyone camps in corners, drop-shots you and head glitches. The guns need a serious re-work as you get out gunned by an MP5 in almost every single match. There is zero variety in guns used by the players which makes it annoying to be killed by the same camping player with an MP5 every single game. I find more entertainment watching my vegetable nan die than play multiplayer.