If you can recognize The Batman as a distinct artistic approach, it's much more palatable. With the physique of a 15 year old, Pattinson seems ill-equipped to be fighting crime or last very long in any fight against multiple opponents let alone produce such a heavy thump whilst walking. As others have mentioned, the whole emo flavor doesn't do this movie justice and Pattinson's frame just isn't believable. I think his suit adds an extra 1.5 feet to his shoulder width. Was it too much to hit the weights for 6 - 9 months prior to filming?
It has a few good moments of action which are like the sparse sprinkles on the icing of the cake. That said, I would not consider this an action movie. More like a slow burning noir detective drama which builds itself using the Batman character and his more known villains. The movie does seem to drag at points, often while attempting to be moody.
Riddler has some great lines yet still feels like he's occasionally overacting the role and potentially confused that he might be the Joker. I noticed a couple of the lines in this movie were directly from other Batman movies.
It's worth a watch if you can get through it - I was more hoping for an action movie than a detective story which borders on being painfully slow to drip the story out. You hear Nirvana's song too often, which is maybe twice.