After watching the Avatar The Last Airbender animated series, everything in this movie was absolutely terrible. For starters, they didn't even get the pronunciation right and couldn't distinguish the difference between the name Aang. They didn't make prince Zuko look his part (ponytail + scar). They also forgot about one of the most important and skilled member, Toph. Appa and Momo were treated as side character rather than actual members of the group. They could have at least made the characters look relatively similar to animation. I also believe they could've included more of Katara and Aang's relationship. I understand that obviously the movie couldn't fit much but either way the parts they did include missed many key points vital to the storyline. Not to mention the slow timing with all the elements when they were bended. The animated series was full of comedic jokes and entertaining for the viewers. Especially since Sokka's whole personality on the show was all about humor, but in this movie, everything was serious. The whole movie felt rushed, and I'm not even half way through the movie (I'm watching as I write). There are so many face palm moments that I can't physically bring myself to finish this movie. In conclusion, this movie was a disappointment.