Was so hopeful but so far just has never been as great as FarCry 5. New Dawn was an awful, rushed regurgitation of 5. Like 5 with a skin of old beat up guns and a half baked story. They had lightening in a bottle with 5 and thought they could easily just pump out another story and it’s proving hard. The ending of 5 was a terrible business decision. They blew up their company. Far Cry 6 just isn’t as fun. Personally, old beat up guns and old beat up cars will just never be as fun as the cool, shiny new weapons, vehicles and aircraft from 5. New Dawn I lost interest after 30 min. I’m an hour into 6 and kinda wishing I saved my $, but will hope it gets better. Just no real addictive draw that I miss from 5. Never blow up your storyline.