I watched it today along with my wife. The movie was full of action, but very predictable. I still didn’t quite connect his relationship to the girl and him leaving it a big mystery. The name Last Blood implies that this will be the last Rambo movi
I had wished that it was a better story than this. Very violent scenes in the movies often shooting guys again that were already dead again and again didn’t make much sense. I still think Stallone was trying to send a hidden message to the public whatever it was? No to drugs? No to the wall ? No to prostitution in Mexico? What was missed in the movie was Rambo’s father.
Rambo is getting old, would of been nice to see a bad ass old military friend come to his aide. Of course he was last guy in his unit to survive. I miss the old colonial building old Rambo up. I enjoyed watching the movie, don’t get me wrong, but as I walked out of the movie theatre, I felt that Stallone was missing something in this movie.
I guess personally I didn’t care that he was going to run to Mexico to save a misguided Mexican American girl. It didn’t feel patriotic like his other movies. Girls in Mexico are missing there all the time.
I lose interest in movies of the drug cartel. I personally would of rather see Rambo fighting the bad VA system that the veterans have to endure in trying to get the right help.