If your a fan of Asimovs books do not watch this show. The only similarity between this show and Asimov’s intelligent writing is that they’ve shamelessly attached the Asimov name to it.
I understand that is would be incredibly difficult to try to capture Asimov’s universe and adapt it into tv. I don’t mind the deviations from his storyline to create some continuity since Asimov story’s span so much time. If I’m solely judging on the quality of this show and my interest in the storyline without comparison to the books it still falls short. This show is the epitome of telling rather than showing. The story line is elementary like they are trying to cram it all in resulting in an action with thin plots. The one star is earned in the visual effects and the acting. Other than that it is intellectually boring.
Update/ spoiler alert:
It gets worse. They completely defy the laws of robotics and create a story line that is not possible based on the foundation books. Demerzal is a robot and kills a human that posed no threat to humanity. This is sacrilege.