All the players in Rons bands were incredible virtuosos, but are afflicted by the commercial need to serve up the same solos as were on the record. Ill assume they all could actually improvise, but on tour they serve the minor god of Familiarity.the directors of all the tours movies cut the final product so there is too much of switching from player to player. Lets see just drums for 20 seconds, then bass for a while, stop jumping around. Let us musicians see the notes they are selecting, and therefore the keys. The band seems to have detuned sometimes. Now the good part. Im glad these vids are preserved, because we are viewing the undeniable record of great musicians performing fully realized hard rock music. It was HARD ROCK, not metal. Metal can forget about lyrical poiniance and can be full of fury, but lack harmonic motion. In other words, they drone on and on fatuously on one chord change. Without any poiniance, the music of metal CAN devolve into a furious circle jerk.Rons tunes are cleverer than one chord change even though they do dwell on I- to bIV to bVII back to I-.But Jimmy Page made a career out of Imaj to bVII to IV to Imaj. These seem to be conscious decisions to have a trademark sound tune to tune.My greatest compliment--you caught it for all of us and posterity. Thank you very much.This stuff stays exciting to me, it is fully realized!