I think this show takes terrible advantage of the 600 plus pound people featured on each episode. There appears to be very little offered in terms of suggestions for daily exercise routines, psychological support for the patients and diet / lifestyle counseling for the food “enablers” who live with them. Obviously, if these morbidly obese people can barely get out of bed, someone else is shopping for and preparing ridiculously large and unhealthy meals for them on a daily basis. It seems that family members and friends featured on the show should be much more supportive and informed than they are. (Even small exercise routines, like lifting light weights throughout the day, would be a start .) The doctor often displays indifference during appointments and rarely encourages his patients to ask important questions or express feelings. He offers very few helpful comments and /or suggestions regarding daily exercise and metal well being. It seems like the patients are sent home for months at a time to figure things out on their own with very little communication or support from the doctors office. The unacceptable 5% chance of success for these patients speaks for itself. This show is pure exploitation for the sake of TV ratings . Same with the show about hoarders.