I like this show the score and the way it incorporates older jazz and rock music into the plot is amazing and I'll be listening to the score for a long time I really like the art style for the character design too it makes everyone look like they're from a different time period in a good subtle way but the main problem I have with the show is the plot it starts off with a really good premise the main character has a love hate relationship with the big guy but he loves the girl and he decides to learn jazz so that he can impress the person he likes (it only takes him a few sessions to perfectly learn jazz tones by the way something that in real life isn't that easy) the problem is that as the plot goes on none of the characters really get developed it has a perfect setup to develop them but especially the main trio never gets any sort of development there's this question from the begining of who the girl likes you never really get a definitive answer to that also in the last three episodes it becomes apparent that the big guy is depressed over a lot of things and that he wants to leave because he thinks everyone gets hurt when they're around him but the ending just sort of happens without any definitive reason we're never given an explanation for him and the main character is a little ball of anger and horny for the whole show without learning anything instead of developing these three it feels the need to develop a side plot about a creepy college student and a obsessive highschool student liking each other that's weird and
creepy at times I have seen much worse but the main three should have been developed a lot more than these two and it makes the ending feel just plain bad as a result also the main kids family never gets developed other than an episode where he goes to meet his mother which comes out of left field I feel like the evil step family as generic as it is to do would have fit better here like if his family didn't like jazz and only wanted him to play classical music overall I like the series but I feel like the plot would have been better if it had more time to develop its limited cast of characters the plot problems may mostly be a problem with the manga though and as I haven't read it I can only assume that the anime does the best with what it's given especially when it comes to music