LMH was originally based on something that could have been beneficial to the community. TODAY, they are equivalent to any other reality show. Messy and distasteful. i guess now it 's open to auditions.
New addition, Destiny's relationship with her husband is fake. Don't believe they were ever married, why because they keeping using it a script talking point. Why your best friend don't know that you are going through a divorce? Because she was never married. ALL SCRIPTED.
When Destiny originally appeared on the show for the couples retreat, She and her husband was the odd couple out. She commented on how fake the Come back Group was, well she did nail that one on the head.
So now MESSY wannabe Tisha is the new Melody. Keep up mess with her clowning Mama. I guess Marsou finally allowed her to use the voice she didn't know she had.
Kimmi is about the only one that's mature, appears to be very leveled headed and foundation-ally solid. But her husband on the other hand, is struggling to play the part. Credit repair Counselor to Lawyer. Yet he is not in anyone's firm and do not articulate like he wants to be. Keep trying to coach Kimmi's adult son into something that's not there. Give it up dude, she raised her Son already. He is grown enough to make his own decisions and he should know that managing Masou lounge is a joke. Maurice needs to work on a better relationship with his ex-wife, that stills sound like she is scorned. For the love of money, please stop calling that child MONSTER. MJ would suffice.
And finally, Tiffany is there for the camera's period, point blank. Watch out 3 power couples that 's not powerful at all.