I have this show recorded for all the information you provide each week. Today I'm disappointed that a thorough report was not done on the USPS. The report failed to include about the "prefunding act" enacted in 2006. This is a large portion of the 69 billion of the past 11 years reported as loss.
A pre fund that the only Federal entity, USPS Letter Carriers, are required to have a pre fund retirement for those who have not even been born.
This pre fund has been a primary factor of loss and there is the HR bill to omit this debt that has a large number of sponsor. Doing the math for the past 11 years, the USPS has been at times not in loss.
In fact, the United States Postal Service has been serving the American customers and paying all the employees with ONLY the services allowed to provide. There are no bail out or funds from the american government that help or assist the USPS. This includes providing those who retired to live with a very well deserve retirement benefits.
I would think if you do your research it will provide this information or contact NALC Fred Rolando, President of the letter Carriers that can clearly give you facts, And Only then I would think your show would report to the public ACCURATE information!
Veronica Flores Osborne
West Palm Beach