Not one of David’s best. Finley (12) . It’s a book. It’s got a story I will stay that. David Walliams has written great books amazing books that I have loved. Sadly this isn’t one of them. What do I not like about this book? It’s lacking heart. Think of his other books. Boy in a Dress: showing he is different to others and that’s ok. Gangsta Granny: A simple old granny turns out to be adventurous and try’s to steal the Crown Jewels. So many books by him they have 4th wall breaks and have heart in them. This one seems to lack heart. A boy called Ned gets his sisters gross items and it makes some alive Slime, they then go and prank the town. Wow.... it just lacks the heart of a David Walliams book. We have seen characters with gross things and etc in Worlds Worst children multiple times, and this just didn’t seem like a creative story. It’s as if he went “hmmm what do kids play with these days oh know slime let’s do a story about slime.” It seems unlike his other books to be lacking heart, and a book to get quick money by jumping on the latest trend in kids toys. Not cool. David Walliams is a brilliant author but these seems like a rushed book, jumping on the “craze” of slime. In my opinion this isn’t one of David’s best, in fact it’s his worst. A story needs heart. And this story had less heart inside I have ever seen from such a large writer. The Telegraph writes “ Dahl finally has a worthy successor”. But with thIs book being published I must disagree saying once again a book by Dahl always had hard effort and time Into in from the heart. And to me this seemed like a quick money grab. A disappointing read.