As quirky as this movie is, I can’t help loving it. You’ve got a very appealing Jack Buetel as a super cool, slow to burn Billy the Kid, an excellent performance by Walter Houston as Doc Holiday, the always reliable Thomas Mitchell as the hard as nails sheriff, and the gorgeous, sexy Jane Russell in her acting debut. The music is at times laughable, like something out of the Little Rascals, the acting is stiff, the closeups are very amateurish, but I still love this movie. We get to watch a rocky relationship between two very confident gunfighters grow into a Brotherhood. I read up on the little known Buetel and was very surprised to learn John Ford wanted him to co-star with John Wayne in his masterpiece Red River, but instead cast Montgomery Clift because movie mogul Howard Hughes, who actually directed The Outlaw, refused to lend out Buetel. Red River made Clift a star. You have to wonder what it would have done for Buetel’s career had he been allowed to play Clift’s part.