This show started out with so much promise. Hilarious trailer which is also the start of the first episode of the series. And I really enjoyed the first few episodes. But more than 10 episodes in - of a total of 18 - I can see why it didn’t get renewed.
It’s just not believable that the lead character, Dex - played by Cobie Smulders - could drink & behave like she does & still look as good (as Cobie Smulders). She is an alcoholic, gambling addict & sex addict, and 10 years after coming back from active duty she still thinks everything is fixable by getting drunk. No, in the real world, that makes everything WORSE.
If this was based on reality she NEVER would have gotten custody of her Down’s Syndrome brother & kept it. In the show he is 21, but that means she’s looked after him since he was 11. No way. She’s both emotionally and often physically unavailable.
This show almost celebrates alcoholism. Her best friend has a bar, and they seem to solve any issues by drinking a bottle of whiskey.
She has sex with every attractive man (& woman) she sees, but is incapable of a relationship, despite all of her flings appearing to want a relationship with her.
It would be great to see the character get sober & into recovery. But despite having constant terrible experiences & alcoholic blackouts, nothing propels her to realise she’s “hit rock bottom” & get some help.
I know it’s based on a comic book series, so maybe I’m expecting too much. But other comic recreations have characters with super powers, so if they don’t have “normal feelings” like normal humans, it’s more acceptable.