The Game is incredible Graphically, but it's like they only gave a damn about Campaign. Horde is the worst it's ever been. Gears of War 4 Horde mode pisses all over the corpse of what Gears 5's Horde mode has become.
1. You can't have more then one copy of a character on the field at a given time, which leads me to my second point.
2. There are not many characters to choose from, making not being able to choose your favorite out of the bunch, extremely unsatisfying.
3. You can't customize your load out. Why the hell does each specific character have to have a weapon you don't really want. The enemies do drop a lot of weapons but not one of them is the Lancer, or Retro Lancer.
4. The character abilities don't really change the game play. They aren't needed in my opinion.
5. They made each character it's own class instead of just building on the already amazing class system from Gears 4. This really becomes infuriating when everyone really only want to use their favorite characters. This was an EXTREMELY POOR design choice.
6. Character upgrades encourage an every man for themselves play style. I'm not kidding when I say that they ruined what was their most popular mode.