I started reading this book yesterday and I READ it because i had just finished Reading After for the second time. This book is about HANNAH a normal girl who falls in love with Garrett the Hockey Star. Honestly this book was funny i'll give you that. But where's the catch and that's a follow up story a way to connect with the book through there ups and downs. A book needs Romance, Drama, Mystery, Anger. That happens when two totally different people date. There was no conflict a way to connect with the book to bring out Deeper Confessions and Strategies. No love Triangle they didn't explore the whole Logan thing they should have been conflict from that. Honestly Hannah should have Met Aaron again and he should have come clean about everything. Hannah's parents should have gotten out of there state and got more money cleared debts and everything. Elle Kennedy should have explored the life of Phil Graham ( Garrett's dad) and what made him so angry and broken. They should fixed him and he should have found love. It should also have atleast ended when Hannah Finished school and was living her dream. Garrett too. To top that the book was only 333 pages that's not enough time to leave readers wanting more i think if she really wanted to catch the eyes of viewers or leave them wanting more or at least make people satisfied she should have explored things more. And it should have been a lot more satisfying that being said The book was Okay and at that i giveit 3 stars.