Loved it! Finally Hellboy is more like the comics. Not saying that Ron Perlman did a bad job but those movies were more Guillermo del Toro than Mike Mignola. I am beyond happy for Mike joining forces with Hollywood to really bring the character and the world to life. Hellboy was always one of my favorite comics because of the dark, Eldritch Horror that created all the evil Hellboy fights. Hellboy comics always creeped me out so bad reading late on a school night, under my covers with a flashlight. I would be so scared I couldn't sleep 😂 Ahh the good ol days and that is what this film felt like. It has a scary, creepy non stop story that has small respites but the story keeps going and building till the end. I have no idea why people didn't like this film. I think Marvel changed what fans expect to see now and something like this movie comes along and it didn't have crazy action scenes or it was too slow. I couldn't disagree more Hellboy The Crooked Man had non stop plot building and story, tons of action and super awesome True Hellboy vibe through the entire film. I think Hellboy fans got it and loved it and people who have never read a Hellboy comic were like boring, it sucked. I really hope that this doesn't discourage them from making more Mike Mignola Hellboy movies! I ❤️ Hellboy!!