Flower of Evil is a crime thriller Korean drama series directed by Kim Cheol-kyu, produced by Studio dragon and premiered by the South Korean television network 'tvN'. It is one of the best K-dramas I've watched hands off. It's a fast paced drama but there's no plot holes or whatever. I initially thought the pacing was going to be really slow cuz of the thriller and crime tags but Flower of Evil really surprised me. The pacing was really great for me tbh, otherwise I would've dropped the show. Pacing is really important for me as a watcher.
The script is written by Yoo Jung-hee. The story itself is one of the best in K-dramas I believe. It is so detailed. The drama completely immerses the audience into the story making them think about the possible outcomes of the story.
Now moving on with the cast of the drama... Imagine the cast are the ingredients of a recipe and the director made a legendary dish out of it, that's how it felt like. Basically, they cooked sooo good. The two main characters are a married couple in the series- Do Hyun soo (played by Lee Joon gi) and Cha Ji won (played by Moon Chaewon), they had so much chemistry together. Every single scene with them together was pure bliss for me. Lee Joon gi and Moon Chaewon played their role together really well that it felt as if they really are a married couple, so much love and feelings involved. Lee Joon gi brought out the real essence of his given role- 'Do Hyun soo'. 'Do Hyun soo' is a character with so much depth and secrets, be it his past life or present life and Lee Joon gi played his part on point. Do Hyun soo's mental unwellness makes him see dead people, creating an uncertainty in his mind. (Spoiler) Lee Joon gi portrayed that confusion of 'Do Hyun soo' magnificently especially in a particular scene of the last episode in which he tries to kill 'Baek Hee sung' (the Antagonist) but Ji won tells him to come over to her and to drop his weapon but he feels conflicted as he thought Ji won was already dead and that he's seeing a hallucination of Ji won. Moon Chaewon played the character 'Cha Ji won'. The character 'Cha Ji won' is a mother, a wife as well as a police officer. 'Cha Ji won' is a really strong woman who keeps her personal life and professional life separate and Moon Chaewon portrayed that role with much depth. The lifestyle of the character played by Moon Chaewon is that of a really busy life but she never neglected her family ever. Moon Chaewon played the part in which 'Cha Ji won' finds out about the real truth behind 'Do Hyun soo' really well. The viewers were able to feel her conflicted state of mind through the screen. Lee Joon gi and Moon Chaewon had so much chemistry on-screen that I was basically fawning over their scenes together. I feel like both their characters have opposite traits as well as similar aspects giving them a mix of compatibility and incompatibility in their relationship and this can be seen when 'Cha Ji won' finds out about the real truth behind 'Do Hyun soo'. Throughout the series their acting is exceptional but what really surprised me was the acting of the child actress Jung Seo Yeon who played the role of 'Baek Eun ha'- the daughter of 'Do Hyun soo' and 'Cha Ji won'. I was truly surprised by the acting of this young actress. She acted in a realistic way and considering that she's still just a child, her performance was immaculate in this series. I overall give this series a solid 9.5/10