critics do think this is optimistically low, and in the alpha design
be outlines a scenario where the Hyperloop covers its capital
costs within 20 years. A one-way passenger ticket would be
a very affordable $ 20. The challenges are likely to be
scare mongering - every critic is terrified of spiraling costs
and the difficulty of moving support (financial and political)
away from the state's current mega-project, California High
Speed Rail. The existing project inevitably has many vested
interests and so focusing on an alternative route (such as
Los Angeles to Texas) that does not bring the two projects
bead to head might be the best route forward.
Nested interests can block even the best ideas.
Musk's recognition is international in scope and touches on
multiple disciplines. He is lauded as an inventor and
innovator by universities and learned society's is the
darling of the business world, and a popular and respected
figure by journalists too. There is space here to discuss only
a small selection of his
In a multidisciplinary world, it is not enough to be an
expert in just one area,
In Background and Education we 100 ked at Musk's university
career, and though he abandoned his own doctorate at Stanford
university after only two days, other institutions have moved
to recognise his contributions to technology regardless, In the
UK, Surrey University cone of the world's foremost centers for
the development of satellite technology) awarded Musk an
honorary doctorate (Duniv) in Aerospace Engineering and,
he also has an honorary doctorate of Engineering and
Technology from the University. His third
honorary doctorate
was in design, from the Art Center College of Design in
Pasadena, California,
Recognising his contributions in the field of space
technology, Musk was asked to serve on the United States
National Academy of Sciences Aeronautics and Space
Engineering Board. He received the 2009 108 American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics George Low Award
for his design of the falcon t, and also National Space