Worst game ever what happened to Mario cart. I had Mario cart for Wii U and me and my wife had the best time of our lives. Now I have wii switch. Worst system/game ever of Mario cart!!!!! Me and my wife have almost 300 hours 0f game time. It’s literally the only game we play because all the other games for wii are boring and child like, but let’s not talk about that. What happened to Mario cart? My wife has totally different controls... like every other game of Mario cart... I have handicap controls. I have controls that don’t let you go off the road. I have controls that don’t let you take secret passageway ways because those are off road... I have controls that pretty much don’t let you screw up like, if you don’t press the gas button or don’t control your player you can still take 11th maybe 10th out of 12 people as you didn’t move a finger... 300 hours of play and stupid arguments because there is no possible way to change controls... if there is a way to change the controls, make it as easy as every other stupid boring game this system has come out with, we have spent hours trying to figure it out so that we can have fun like we used too !!!