I really like the TV show 7 little Johnston I think it's a learning experience for people but I also want to say that the mother has her favourites and I don't agree with her hardly ever in the way she treats some of her adopted children, Let's use Anna for an example, She loves doing the day care with younger children 12 and 3 year olds but her mother made her quit that job to do substitute teaching and that is not a full paycheck and Anna is upset about it and I don't blame her you should be supporting her in what she wants to do
there's nothing wrong with working full time in A-day care I think you treat Anna badly. I also think you need to support your older son also, he is confused about being on his own and scared and instead of trying to help, it's 3 months and out the door, Amber you need to work with your children and not live there lives for them 😉other than Amber, I love everyone else