This show is all fake .First off dude ain't a billionaire Let's not take into account cameras following someone. No bar owner is going to let you walk in and sell stuff on St Patty day .Or any other day. When you do a job paid in cash it's illegal unless 1099. You can't just rent an apartment with out credit check., ID. sign a lease .Does he have fake ID and fake SS number. No one would leave tires with value still left. How convenient $1400. If someone places add for said tires. you would be going to him not the other way around. Him buying and turning cars. What about DMV? If a car Blue book is so much more no one would let them go with so much profit left on the table .Like the car dealer would have not done the same thing selling them with an add. If he receives no help then when he dropped cars on corner how does he get back to his Pick up. Did he hitch hike? People are not going to work for free. Who wouldn't want to know your equity in a partnership with 6 guys. Six owners would mean nothing left for the business .No house closes in 10 days. Again the bank doesn't due it's due diligence. Credit check, ID. They just don't hand out money. I'm just 3 episodes in. REDICULOUS. INK dude owns his own business like he has time for this non sense. Oh Yeah CAMERAS How much exposure is promised? Like the designer woman would not have him sign a contract or talk her fee.