Some parts of this film were alright but a lot of work is needed to project authenticity. Those alien-looking/ reptilian creatures weren`t even from this world. Thus, it came off fake. The natives should`ve been tougher since they`re preparing, incase these creatures ever attack. Also, soldiers turning back to defeat Kong, Weaver falling, locked in Kong`s hand as he pulled the creature`s tongue out and still alive. Moreover, these survivors were lost or moving through an unknown area filled with dangerous, wild, hungry creatures yet at the end of the movie, everyone's skin and clothes were clean as a whistle. This movie is trash and it`s like producers aren`t trying anymore to produce good movies. E.g.Andocando (movie). Now that`s authenticity and got everyone at the end of their seats in fright. Try harder next time, happy I saw this 3 years after production.