Who could go wrong watching Doris Day movies, they were absolutely entertaining, thoroughly enjoyable, no filth, foul language, no nasty naked bodies, which is all we see now,which can't be classified as good home spun entertainment.The sad part is these older movies of family entertainment has been replaced by the porno ads they show on some free movie web pages,pretending to be games, i watched calamity Jane on one such web page, i finally had enough of the sexual toys the showed when they cut into the movie,.And the men who lose their families and homes for them.America can't make decent movies, they wouldn't know one if they fell over it,I watch a lot of danish, Norwegian, and from the U.K. American movies, selling sex with plenty of T and A, if you don't know what it means ask some body, and drugs in the movies make up for the bad acting. But American movie studios has lost all morality,I guess the actresses think it worked for Marilyn Monroe it would work for them,she couldn't dance couldn't sing couldn't act, but plenty of T and A. that's not talent.They even have children cursing, i remember.protesting violent cartoons from Walt daffy duck, porky pig, and the famous road runner. So i hope you can handle the truth, and give us Doris Day, Pat Boone, Danny Kay, Bing Crosby and all the other terrific entertainers of the past.