As someone who is new to Murakami's work, this novel was proved to be a great kickstart, this was my first read from him and tbh it didn't disappoint me at all, I understood why his works are so much loved, I finished it in 2 days .
personally as a fan of magical realism, I found his style totally mine, the use of clever metaphors and moving words poured after intense notice of the things we usually take for granted like things which really most people don't pay attention to at all, type of fiction yet so realistic ,which would made the reader definitely questions them to himself and think about them as a part of his life for a moment, which I love the most fiction and magic which seems plausible, fiction which makes so much sense, which makes me want to wander in it forever ,to which I could connect to.
The ending left me different questions about how all the characters would have actually ended it, the author I think left the space for the reader to carry on and decide it aftermath... this not even a fregment of it described here by me but, you'll get to know him if you'll try it yourself.. Now i am looking more of his works to read.. it was a wonderful experience!!