I like Good Morning America. My issue is when will people RESPECT THEIR PLATFORM? I know people have Loss Morals Completely In This World. Adults have families, get married, raise children everyday, but what happened to morals of
Society? The World Complains About The Children Today, but look at the examples we set. These two have had many affairs. Amy cheated on her 1st husband for her current husband, she brought children in this world and cheated on her 2nd husband for TJ. They exposed their children to each other’s family acting like families do, loving on one another, but Now the dynamics are changed. These two adults just thinking about themselves. TJ mentioned a few year’s ago that his grandfather told him to sow his wild oats in life. He didn’t need to bring children into this world if that’s his mindset and purpose. Our Behavior & Actions Affect More Than Ourselves, So Why As Adults Can’t We Act Accordingly? We Punish Children For Bad Behavior, But We Don’t Practice What We Preach. If ABC just pulls these 2 until things cool off, then the message here is there are Morals, but you don’t have to abide by them. Ratings Become More Important Than Morals/Behavior. Remember CBS. Matt Lauer….