I loved it! it had lots of details that u pick up from averages infinity war, age of ultron, endgame and civil war. it was funny and really cool in many ways. I recommend watching it if you watch marvel. but i recommend you watch all the marvel movies cause they are all connected in a way so you understand.
When i first watched it episodes 1-2 were good and understandable also calm.
as ep 3-4 came there was more info talking about after endgame. Like how stuff came together and what wanda did.
ep 5 we got more info about wanda new life after endgame. And what she has done to westview and the people. and vision finds out wanda is doing something..
ep 6 in ep 6 it is now halloween and everyone is out trick or treating and billy and tommy go trick or treating with wanda and pietro. when billy and tommy find something out and wanda does something to fix it.
ep 7. since wanda isn’t feeling very good agnes takes billy and tommy to her house and stay with her. then wanda sees something and does something but agnes takes her to her house. then wanda finds something out.
ep 8-9 a lot of things happen like fighting and going into wandas past. then wanda and her family go home and takes away the borders that’s the end.
but the end credit scenes in ep 9 will make u wonder.